Our Philosophy
Founded in 2005, Cornerstone Preschool was established with the intention to offer a safe, loving, nurturing and creative preschool experience for all young children.
A balance of developmental and age appropriate academic activities that are in conjunction with Early Childhood Principles and Philosophies are offered to our students in a nurturing, non judge-mental, loving environment. We believe that every student has the opportunity to grow and learn within our community and feel supported by their teachers, administrators and peers.
Cornerstone’s core foundation not only supports a child’s social, emotional, physical and academic growth, it supports healthy relationships between the self and others. Our Character Counts Program promotes traits such as Independence, Tolerance, Friendship, Respect, Kindness, Honesty, Responsibility, Empathy, Patience, Cooperation, Adaptability, and Self Confidence.
Our Programs
Student Enrichment
Library Program
Our beautiful library on our campus is truly a gift. Each week all of our classrooms separately visit the library for approximately 30 minutes and have their own special story time with our librarian, Mrs. DeCovnick. Reading stories and looking at picture books encourages children of all ages to build a love for literature and reading. In addition it helps to strengthen language development, listening skills and critical thinking skills. It also stimulates their imagination, expands their understanding of the world and helps them to prepare for the written word. Big Books, Books on Tape, Flannel Board Stories, and Puppets are all an exciting part of our library. Every month Scholastic Book Order Forms are sent home so that you can purchase inexpensive books to build your own library. In return for every dollar spent, our school earns points that we can use towards more books, library and classroom materials.
Music Program
Twice a month for thirty minutes, each class participates in our Music Program. Ms. Kyla’s Music Class provides an engaging, very interactive musical experience for our students. Each class is designed with a theme or genre in mind with thoughtfully integrated sequences of activities that set the stage for an optimal multi-sensory learning experience. Students are offered a variety of age-appropriate instruments & materials, and time to appreciate music of varying styles and origin.
CPPA & On-Site School Assemblies
The Cornerstone Preschool Parents’ Association (CPPA) supports special enrichment programs throughout the year. By way of family donations and fundraising events, our students have the privilege of remaining on campus and enjoying interactive enrichment programs such as Bubble Mania, Mad Science, The Animal Guys, Education Through Nature, Snow Day and more. These special events are during our regular school day and are offered to all students on campus. In addition, Cornerstone Preschool welcomes our local community leaders and businesses that add to our extensive curriculum.
Character Education
Our Character Education Program is an integral part of our school’s core foundational principles. These character virtues help students and staff to be more aware of attitudes, feelings and moral and civic mannered behaviors of themselves and others around them at school, home, and in the community. Stories surrounding monthly themes, role-playing, projects, thoughtful interactions and dialogue help students and staff to identify those values that best define a moral society. The core character traits that we feel are valuable to our students, staff and school are: Friendly, Respectful, Cooperative, Kind, Tolerant, Honest, Fair, Responsible, Patient, Self-Confident, Independent and Adaptable
Request a Tour
Request a tour and learn how we set our students into motion with a will to learn and a love for learning that will carry them into their grade school years and beyond.